
Psalm 5

1. Do I often begin my day with communication to God? (verse 3)

2. Verse 4: Some may think that God enjoys punishing sinners, but this verse reminds us that God does not sin at all. God must punish sinners because of His justice, but He does not enjoy it.

3. Verse 5: God hates? Remember that God does not hate people. (From NKJV The Word in Life Study Bible): “When the Bible speaks of ‘hatred,’ it does not mean the normal human reaction of retaliation or ‘getting even’ for wrongs suffered. Nor does it mean a mad, irrational response to wrong or injustice. Rather, biblical ‘hatred’ describes a studied expression of anger rooted in a commitment to justice. God does get angry at sin that injures and destroys His creation, especially human beings made in His image. He will not tolerate that which violates His ‘very good’ work (Gen. 1:31).” (page 915)

4. In verse 6, liars (deceitful men) are abhorred by God just as much as those who would murder (the bloodthirsty). We often think of lying as a “small” sin, but here it is shown to be just as evil as killing!

5. The contrast in verses 7-8 is between those who are evil and one who wants to come to the house of the Lord for worship. Worshippers are not perfect people, but they should be striving to be.

6. Verse 9 is a great devotional outline for how awful lying really is.

7. Verse 11 shows a recurring theme in Psalms. When we trust God, we can truly rejoice.

8. The Lord will bless the righteous (verse 12). After spending quite some time talking about punishing the wicked, the psalmist reminds us that God is just and fair in both ways; He also rewards those who live for Him.


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