Family,  Parenting

#RediscoverNature : Kids Need to be Outdoors

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We can read all the articles and books we want about raising our children, and the experts seem to disagree on a lot of issues. But there are certain things that nearly every expert agrees on. One of those things is that children need to be outside.

When you think back to your childhood, what are some of your best memories of just being a kid? Nature Valley asked that of three generations, and put the answers in a short video. You must see this:

(Video not playing? Click here to watch on YouTube.)

If that doesn’t open your eyes, I’m not sure what will!

Now most of us can make excuses and say that we are different. “Our kids don’t spendĀ that much time with a tablet or phone.” Really? Why don’t you ask your kids what their memories of their childhood are so far.

For most of our kids, it would be some movie or video game. Of course, those things are part of our childhood, but if those things are our major memories, we have a problem!

Parents, limit the time your kids are on screens. Limit the time they are indoors. If you must, make them go outside and play and pretend. Take them to a farm. Take them on a nature walk. Send them outside with a couple of empty boxes and watch them make magic with their imaginations. A few weeks ago, our kids even held a “funeral” for a dead animal they found in the yard (complete with Turner reading Scripture–Genesis 1:1–and leading a song). Those memories are the ones kids need to build up their imaginations and discover the amazing world God has created around them.

When they are 25 or 30, what will they say they remember most about childhood? Will it be the time they spent on their iPad, or the time they explored the world right in their own backyard?


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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn

Photo background credit: Travis Swan on Creative Commons


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