Reminders for a Christian Vacation

It’s the time of year where, since schools are out, families hit the road for weekend getaways or week-long excursions. Roads are clogged and tourist areas are filled, but the memories that are made are worth it.
Sadly, a great number of Christians seem to think they can take a vacation from their Christian faith just because they are on vacation from work.
Instead, as you make those travel plans, please keep the following in mind.
#1: Plan Where You Will Worship. Even though you are traveling, the Lord’s Day still should come first. Take the time to know where you will meet with the saints on the Lord’s Day. Also, if your congregation has midweek services, please make those plans, as well. (After all, you are still under the oversight of your elders, and they expect you to put God first.) Don’t wait until the last minute and try to figure it out. Know ahead of time where you will worship, and plan accordingly.
#2: Continue Your Daily Bible Reading. In many ways, your vacation time should be the easiest time to read a chapter or two in your daily Bible reading plan, since the days are less hectic. You might just find that these are some of the best days for you to reflect on your reading, too!
#3: Plan Fun Family Bible Times. Out of your normal routine? That may drive you crazy in some ways, but it also may provide opportunities for family devotionals that are super memorable because they aren’t “normal.” Why not have your devotional in your hotel room, or near a local landmark. Make a spiritual application lesson from something in that area, and it will stick with your kids.
#4: Don’t Forget to Pack Your Morals. Why is it that, just because we are away from home, we think our moral compasses can be let down? We will dress immodestly (and post those pictures online for the world to see) just because we are at the beach or the theme park. We will excuse a little drinking since we are not having to work the next day. We will let our words slip because we are not in our normal routine. Wherever we are–the theme park, the mountains, the beach–we represent Christ to the world, so our morals must continue to be impeccable.
Whatever you do this summer, whether it’s a one-evening picnic in a nearby park or a multi-week trip to another part of the world, please remember that your Christian light is to shine at all times. There really is no vacation from Christianity.
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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn