Resources for Family Devotionals
Recently, we asked our readers for ideas on what they would like us to write about. We got a lot of good suggestions, and we are writing about 8 of them in July. (This is the 3rd post.)
One of the suggestions, from “Mashflash16,” was for some help with family devotional ideas. The comment stated that their family devotionals were always praying, singing songs, and reading Scripture, but they wanted other ideas.
Before giving some suggestions, let me commend this family. The main thing about family devotionals is to do them! We do not have one every single night, but we strive to have about 2 per week. Honestly, we are a little “hit or miss,” but we do not go a week without what we call “Bible time.” If you are not having family devotions (whatever you decide to call them), the key is to start. Just start!
Of course, singing, praying, and opening the Bible is the best place to start. Many times, this is what we do, as well. We will each pick a favorite song and sing it. Other times, we will have a prayer. Sometimes we just read and talk about a Bible story. These are enjoyable and educational for our children, but we are always looking for other ideas, too.
First, let me give you a list of other things to try, then we will share some links to resources you can use.
Other Activities
1. Games. We often play review games in our Bible time. When we come to the end of a unit in homeschool or in the kids’ Bible classes at church, we will ask some review questions and have a little game to play. Most of the time, we simply have the kids stand on one side of the room and answer questions. When they get a question correct, they take 2 baby steps towards us. When they get to us, they get to have their nightly snack. Obviously games can be far more elaborate, but this is a starter idea.
2. Role playing. We have role played a few Bible stories. I think their favorite is when the kids are David and daddy is Goliath (probably because daddy has to fall down…and, no, we don’t let them chop my head off!!!). Think of other stories that are easy to walk through, and enjoy letting them put their own personality in the story.
3. Go outside and talk about nature. Even though devotionals are usually at night, you can still look at the stars or the sunset or the rain. This is also a great way to have devotionals when you are driving. Turn off the radio and talk about the trees and stars around you, then talk about the wonderful God who created it all!
4. Bible memorization. We have written about this before, but take some time to memorize some Bible verses as a family. Read the linked post for suggestions on how to do that.
5. Crafts. We don’t do this often, but if you have kids who are artistic, this is a great way to teach them the Bible. Make something together. Put together a Bible puzzle. Make something for a neighbor who is struggling. Devotionals don’t just have to be about learning, they can combine doing, too.
Here are some resources we recommend to help you get different ideas for your devotionals.
1. We have created an Amazon Store with several books and resources we like. Our plan is to keep updating it as we find more, but for now click here to see some good “idea starter” products.
2. Child Training Bible. A great way to show kids that the Bible has the answer to all sorts of issues! (Note: This product is not yet available on Amazon, but we did include the Bible we recommend to use it with in our store.)
3. Hannah’s Hundred. These CDs by our friends the Colley family are wonderful ways to teach your children Bible verses.
4. Picking Melons and Mates. Also from the Colley family, this is another book we recommend that is not yet available on Amazon. When (if) it is, we will add it to our store!
5. Apologetics Press Children’s Books. We included a few of these in our Amazon store, but not all are available there. We highly recommend these books, and many of them are just $2.00 each!
QUESTION: What other tips and/or resources would you recommend for family devotionals?
Photo credit: commanderjaygold on Flickr Creative Commons