Sacrifice of Peace
Often when we consider the sacrifice of our Savior, we focus on the physical sacrifices He made. We even sing, “He left the splendor of heaven knowing His destiny was the lonely hill of Golgotha…”
The Bible uses human terms to describe the glories of heaven because it is above human comprehension. And we, as material beings, can conceptualize leaving riches and wealth for poverty and sacrifice.
Probably most often when we consider Christ’s sacrifice, we think of the physical agony He suffered. We read of the beatings, scourging, bleeding, and pain and, again as humans, we can relate on some small level.
I want you today to think of a different sacrifice He made on our behalf. Do you realize Jesus and the Father dwell in perfect unity and peace in Heaven? We often long for the “peace that passes all understanding,” and Jesus had that. In John 10:30, He said “I and the Father are one.” He now has that peace and unity again, but for a time, He laid that blessing aside … for me. Not “just” to forgive my sins (although the wonder of that is immense). He willingly laid aside His eternal peace, so that I have the opportunity to ever experience true peace. Willingly, yes. But not without agony.
Notice that the text of Matthew 27:46 says He cried out (emphasis mine), “My God, My God why have you forsaken me.” Peace shattered … for me. All so that, once this Divine will was accomplished, I can “Be anxious for nothing, but with prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let [my] requests be known to God and the peace that surpasses all understanding will guard [my] heart and mind in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:6-7). Peace offered and guaranteed … for me.
Don’t forget to be thankful for the sacrifice of peace.
AUTHOR: Amber Tatum