Saturday Night
It’s Friday morning as I write this. In two days, I will be worshiping with my family at Lebanon Road, and we will begin a Gospel Meeting. (Of course you are invited! Click here to learn more about it.) But I want to talk about tomorrow.
Each Sunday morning, when I get up, I go through a pretty normal routine. That routine includes buzzing through my Twitter feed and seeing what was posted the night before. Later, of course, we head to the church building and I love visiting with my church family! We catch up on the latest news and swap stories from the past week. It is a wonderful pleasure.

In both of these cases, though, I see many Christians who have been up until 1 or 2 in the morning, and then think they are ready to worship God. I just wonder if we are really ready.
Worship is the time when we, as a collective body, are coming before the throne of our Creator, Lord, God…the Almighty! It is an unparalleled honor, and one for which we should prepare. I guess the only reason to not get proper rest would be if we were so thrilled about worship that we just couldn’t sleep!
I don’t think that’s the case with many of us, though.
We stay up watching late night football games or movies. We go out on the town and then for a late-night dessert. We have the mindset that “It’s the weekend, so I can set my own agenda.”
…and then we are unprepared to worship God.
It really is a simple question of priorities. Is that 4th quarter or that late-night snack as important as being prepared to praise the Sovereign Lord?
I do not want to be legalistic about this. Some people, by their nature, are night owls. Others only do this on occasion. Sometimes, we must stay up late for different reasons that are legitimate (maybe a child is sick).
But I do want us all to think about how much worship means to us. If we were preparing to a college entrance exam or a morning job interview, we would do all we could to get rest to be prepared.
Why, then, would we fail to do so when we are going to be standing in the very presence of God?
Tomorrow night, will you prepare to worship your Creator?
QUESTION: What are some ways to make sure we get rest in order to be more prepared to worship? Please leave your thoughts in the comments.
Photo credit: chispita on Creative Commons
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