Church Life,  Evangelism

Say Something

I love the heart of those who want their congregations to help their communities. There can be no doubt that Jesus “went about doing good” (Acts 10:38) and that we are to be as much like Him as we can be. While we can’t miraculously heal or feed people, with God’s help we can help a lot of people.

Christians should want the hungry to be fed, those who are without clothes to be clothed, and the hurting to be comforted. In fact, we will be judged, at least in part, by our efforts–or lack thereof–in these types of areas (Matthew 25:31-46).

That said, there is often something that seems a bit off when I hear people talk about helping the community around them. And that is…to what end are these things being done?

  • For some, it seems that they want to do these things just to make people equal, which can be a good thing, but something is missing.
  • For some, sadly, they want to do these things just for “p.r.” and so the church (or, worse, they themselves) looks good.
  • For some, they want to do these things to keep up with other community groups.

Again, I do not question the heart of people who want to help. We should want to help!

But our ultimate help should be to help people learn about Jesus! While, yes, our example and our compassion should shine and will help us build relationships with other people, at some point we have to say a word for Jesus and try to teach people what He would have them to do.

At the very least, we need to give God the glory for what we are doing. But, ultimately, we are helping people physically, relationally, psychologically, or in other ways so that we can seek to help them with their deepest problem, which is sin.

At some point, we have to say something. We cannot “compassion” someone into heaven just by giving them food or money or clothing. Real compassion will help those needs while trying to meet the far deeper and eternal need of becoming a Christian.

Will you say something?

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn


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