
School's Almost Out

Some college students are finished with the Spring semester, while others are finishing very soon. High schools will be letting out over the next few weeks. Let those Summer activities begin!

Those who work with young people have a great opportunity in the Summer. In fact, some say that youth ministers, interns and concerned adults do more in the Summer months (usually about 2 1/2 or 3 months) than the rest of the year total. While that might be a bit of an overstatement, the idea is basically true.

So, what are some tips for those who will have all this time with young people? Here are a few random ones from several years as a youth minister.

1. Don’t do something every moment of every day. Young people still need time to “chill.” They need time with family. They need time for their own, personal spiritual growth. Remember, even Jesus grew in more areas than just “favor with God” (Luke 2:52).

2. Plan events for families. Often, the youth minister just does “youth stuff” in the Summer. Some parents have more free time in those months as well. It’s good to invite and/or involve parents whenever possible, but that’s especially true in the Summer, when many of the “big” events occur.

3. If you are blessed with an intern, use him! I worked with an intern for the first time last Summer. It was such a blessing to help this young man see the “inner workings” of youth ministry, but it was also a chance to let him do some of the events. For example, we had a door-knocking campaign in the area for three days. I worked in the morning, but then went back to the office to complete VBS planning, while our intern stayed with the young people for the rest of the work day. In the end, we got far more accomplished.

4. Keep costs low. There’s nothing wrong with a “big” trip that costs some money, but don’t drain a family’s budget with meal after meal and trip after trip. Do some free stuff. Ask older members to help pay for some events. Eat at the building. Make spending money something special; not something common.

5. Most importantly, don’t lose your spiritual focus. Summer is often filled with trips to theme parks, ball games, parks, and other fun places. Those are wonderful and needed, but you also have an opportunity to do more teaching in those few weeks than much of the rest of the year. Plan spiritual activities as well. Service projects and extra Bible study sessions are needed by our young people. It teaches them that there is really no “time off” from Christianity.

Enjoy the Summer, and take advantage of these months with our precious young people.
