Church Life

What Season Is It?

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How many different ways is the word “seasonal” used? I’m not sure I will exhaust the ways, but here are a few:

  • The various seasons of the year
  • Various holiday seasons
  • Certain times of the year are known for certain sports: baseball season; football season; basketball season; etc.
  • Hunting seasons
  • Periods of our lives
  • Seasons when various types of clothing are fashionable

Again, I’m sure that the list could go on and on, but there is one thing that is not–or at least it should not be–seasonal.

Our relationship with Christ and our commitment to Him is to be both constant and growing. The Lord never intended for us to be committed to Him only during those times when it is convenient for us; when the calendar says it is a “holy day” or “holy season;” or only on certain occasions (like when I’m around other Christians).

His challenge to me is to “…take up [my] cross daily, and follow [Him]” (Luke 9:23, KJV, emphasis added). Maybe that is why the Holy Spirit inspired Paul to write to a young preacher that he was to “preach the word, be ready in season and out of season…” (2 Tim. 4:2, ESV). 

As we recognize the change from winter to spring; as some people celebrate a special “holy day;” as one athletic season comes to a close and another begins; as we put away some of our winter clothes in favor of a more “seasonable” wardrobe; it is my prayer that all of us who wear the name of Christ will conduct ourselves in such a way that sends a strong message.

On second thought, my life is sending one of two messages every day. 

Hopefully, my life is saying, “My relationship with my Lord is the most important thing in my life–all the time. It never changes.”

Unfortunately, the message my life could be sending is something like: “Jesus is Somebody I pay lip service to and Christianity is the lifestyle I profess to follow, but I can take it or leave it. It all depends on a variety of circumstances.”

Which message is your life sending?

Is your commitment to Jesus seasonal or constant?


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Photo background credit: Toni Verdu Carbo on Creative Commons


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