Seeing Love and Compassion

They came to visit our congregation a few weeks ago. There
They have been fairly regular in their attendance since they began attending, and I might add that they have put most of us to shame concerning inviting people to worship with us. They regularly bring people with them. Some of those people may not have been anywhere to “church” in a long time – if ever.
They have been welcomed by many people in our congregation and have expressed to me and to others that they love coming there with us. Isn’t that a great thing to have said about your congregation!!!
However, what I really want to point out to you in this post has to do with those two small children. They are a handful to deal with – and it isn’t their fault. They haven’t been trained to sit in worship — yet.
When we became aware that assistance was needed with the children, some real love and compassion went into action on the part of some of our ladies. I noticed it for the first time when the wife of one of our elders had taken the little boy to sit with her. I happened to glance in their direction as the offering plate was being passed. What I saw was love and compassion in practice. Sharon (the elder’s wife) was bent down whispering to the little boy about the dollar bill she was giving him and that he would be giving it to Jesus. I hope that image is forever etched in my mind because in this world you don’t often see love and compassion in action.
Several of our ladies have brought bags for the children with books and colors and other things to help them keep busy (and quiet) during worship. Several have donated to purchase some shoes and clothing for them. Often you will see one of them sitting on the lap of one of our members while being taught to whisper instead of talk out loud.
None of these things are done out of pity. I know the hearts of these people, and they are simply showing love and compassion.
They are beautiful children. They remind me of the words of Jesus when He said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 19:14). Their little lives are really just beginning, and what a blessing it is to be able to help teach them while their mother is also being taught.
How much love and compassion have you seen lately? How much have you shown?
“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden” (Matthew 5:14)
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AUTHOR: Donna Faughn