Church Life,  Tech

Sermon Transcript: “The Christian and Facebook”

On Sunday night, I preached a sermon entitled “The Christian and Facebook.” Later, I posted something about it on (of course) Facebook, and several said they would like to see the notes.

Before you read the transcript, let me share this information with you. Some time ago, my friend Neal Pollard preached a sermon at Bear Valley in Denver on this topic. I listened to his sermon several weeks ago to start getting ideas for mine. Later, he turned that sermon into an article for the Gospel Advocate that I also read.

I say that to say this: several similarities exist between this sermon and his sermon/article, though I did not have either one “at hand” when I was writing out my sermon. His thoughts influenced mine, and I want to give him credit for that. If you read his article or heard his sermon, please know that it had an influence on the “building” of this sermon.

Here is the transcript. Please don’t laugh at someone who does full-sentence outlining, or who does a few little “funny” things with Microsoft Word to get the outlining to work right!

I hope this helps you some.

The Christian and Facebook


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