She Lives On

Mother’s Day is this Sunday and while I am blessed to be the mother of two wonderful children who always make me feel very special on this day (and many other days), I am always a little sad. I won’t be buying a special gift and card for my mother or cooking dinner in her honor.
It has been ten years since my mother left this life. I think about her daily and I recall many things she taught me on an almost daily basis. Anytime I use Proverbs 31 when I am speaking, her face is the one I give to that virtuous woman. Let me share with you what I see:
- Her character was of the highest quality. She was an “excellent wife and far more precious than jewels.” She was “trustworthy and she did her husband good and not harm all the days of her life.”
- She was industrious. She was an early riser and worked tirelessly “providing for her household.”
- She was energetic. She would plant a garden even after working long hard days as a surgical nurse. She often worked late nights sewing clothes for her family.
- Generosity was one of her great qualities. She would help anyone in need and had a way of reaching out to them even if they didn’t ask.
- She was clothed in strength and dignity. Those who knew her realized what a strong woman she was and respected her.
- She was full of wisdom and when she talked, kind words that had been thought about were what you heard.
- She managed her home as only a woman who truly loves God and her family can.
- Therefore, she is praiseworthy. She deserves the honor that all mothers who live godly lives deserve.
Her secret? It is found in Proverbs 31:30, “Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised” (emphasis added).
My mother was both beautiful and charming, but her greatest quality was that she reverenced the Lord. Her daily walk was one that tried to please Him in all of her activities. She wasn’t perfect because none of us are, but she strove to please God above all else.
I’m so thankful she was MY mother and that she possessed these godly qualities. It is my prayer that I embody some of those same qualities and have passed them on to my children.
She lives on.
“Her children rise up and call her blessed…” (Proverbs 31:28).
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AUTHOR: Donna Faughn