We Sin When…
I know, you aren’t supposed to preach (or write ) about sin anymore. No one listens, and you are just passing judgment if you state emphatically that anything is “wrong” or “sinful.”
Even if you don’t feel that way, though, you may think this is a pointless post, because the Bible gives us a clear statement of what sin is. Who needs a blog post to remind us that sin is “falling short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23), “going beyond what is written” (1 Corinthians 4:6), or not doing the good we know to do (James 4:17)?
All of us are competent enough to read the Bible and get “the list” of verses that tell us what sin is.
But I want to boil them down to one, even more simple, statement.
We sin when we take that which God created for beauty and good and corrupt it for selfishness and evil.

You can think of any sin, and that is what makes it wrong in the eyes of God.
- Pornography, adultery, homosexuality, and fornication are sinful because they take something meant by God to be beautiful and good–the sexual union of one man and one woman–and corrupt it to think only of myself.
- False worship is sinful because it takes that which God declares to be beautiful in His sight and substitutes what we might think is more beautiful. So, we get to play the part of God, which is the ultimate level of selfishness.
- Immodesty (both under-dressing and over-dressing) is sinful because it promotes my sense of self as being my body, instead of that upon which God places the emphasis–my soul.
- Laziness is sinful because it says that I get to control my time, instead of letting God control it.
And on and on it goes.
Far too often, we have so corrupted what is truly beautiful and good that we fail to see it anymore. It takes a pure heart to see God, and it takes a desire to be pure to have true beauty.
Look to God’s examples. See what is truly beautiful and good. Focus your efforts on living that way.
Then just see if the world isn’t a little more beautiful!
Do you agree? Disagree?
Share your thoughts in the comments.

Wes McAdams
Totally agree, brother! Great thoughts! Thanks for all you do! Keep up the fantastic work!
Bobby Thomas
Adam – This is the best article I have read in years.
Adam Faughn
Bobby….what a compliment! I know your heart, and that truly means a lot coming from you. Thanks, brother!
Adam Faughn
thanks…and thanks for all you do, too!
Walter Bland
Excellent article and so blatantly true! Sin does wilt all things that God created including our soul! As I continue to grow in Christ, I’m able to discern the worldy things from the things of God! It feels so good to be on God’s team! Again, great post!
Adam Faughn
Thanks for your comments, Walter! It was great meeting you at Lebanon Road last night, and you are so right: “It feels so good to be on God’s team!”
This is a great blog post, but I’m not sure the reason homosexuality is a sin is because it’s selfish, how exactly? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not suggesting it’s not sin, just curious.
Also I would say God places more emphasis on the fact that we are His children, and our worth is in Him, not ourselves (or appearance). 🙂
Adam Faughn
Good question. Homosexuality is selfish because it basically says to God, “I know what You have said regarding sex, but I will do as I please.” The same would be true of any other sexual sin: it is my desires above God’s command.
Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment such an honest question!