Sing those Verses!
Recently, we have been making a strong effort with our kids to memorize Scripture. The best way we have found is to put little melodies to those verses.
In our car, we have been playing some of the Hannah’s Hundred CDs for quite some time. If you are not familiar with these CDs, they are a collection of 100 verses per CD sung by our friends: Glenn, Cindy, Caleb, and Hannah Colley. We currently have two of the CDs and you would be amazed how many of those little songs our kids know, and how many they walk around the house singing. If you are interested in these resources, here’s a link to find out more.
As a funny little story, I was walking through the house one day and Turner, then age 4, was just singing one of the songs at the top of his lungs. The verse he was singing so loudly? “Thou shalt not commit adultery!” That will make sure that our marriage remains strong…when your children are singing that around the house!
In addition to these CDs, we are also beginning to do some of our own songs. As we read our Bible, or study for an upcoming lesson, we come across a verse we want the kids to know. Then we just make up a little melody to help them remember the words. You don’t have to have any musical talent whatever to do this. In fact, the child often best remembers the melody that you think sound the silliest!
The point of this post is to surround your children with God’s Word. In your car, as well as around the house, put these eternal truths in their hearts, and they will not soon forget them.
***BONUS TIP: You already know tons of Bible verses. Just flip through your song book and you will be amazed at how many songs are either direct quotations from Scripture, or are very close. If you are struggling to write little songs for the kids to learn verses, this is a good place to start! (Just as one example, “I Will Call Upon the Lord” quotes from Psalm 18:3.)