Church Life,  Family

Some Last-Minute (and Inexpensive) Gift Ideas

I admire people who seem to have a knack for buying very appropriate gifts and for giving them at the very best time. Unfortunately, I’ve never been one of those people.

Some people seem to love this time of the year and derive a lot of pleasure from being able to put their buying and giving skills “into overdrive.” People like me, on the other hand, have more of a fondness for holidays and other occasions when giving and receiving of gifts is not a part of the equation.

Since a lot of gift giving and receiving is only a week away, I thought that I would compile a very short list of last-minute ideas for people who, like me, are terrible at thinking of appropriate and meaningful gifts. As an added benefit, they are also very inexpensive. In fact, some of them cost nothing except maybe a little time.

So – here’s my list. You can probably add many more things to it, but here’s at least a starter list:

  • A smile
  • A kind word
  • A phone call (not a text – let somebody actually hear your voice)
  • If (unlike me) you’re “tech savvy” enough, maybe even facetime
  • Even better – an actual visit during which you can “do life” together 
  • A handwritten note – Somehow these seem more meaningful than other and “more efficient” methods of communicating (even if, like me, your poor penmanship makes it looks like you write in “the unknown tongue.”)
  • Running an errand for somebody who is no longer able to do that for himself or herself
  • Inviting a person or some people who are not actually members of your physical family to one of your holiday meals – or regular meals for that matter
  • Providing a ride to the grocery store, bank, etc. for somebody who is either temporarily or permanently unable to drive themselves. (Be a free Uber driver.)
  • Instead of (or along with) being a free Uber driver, what about adopting the Doordash model and taking meals to people for free?
  • What about going even one step further and taking somebody a cake, pie, some cookies, or even a complete home-cooked meal?

When I started this, I thought I would have four or five ideas. As you can see, my list grew beyond those numbers. It could be even longer, but, since I said that I would provide a short list, I’ll stop with these. 

Maybe your list will be even longer. I hope so.

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AUTHOR: Jim Faughn

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