
Some Moral Issues that Our World Needs to Address Immediately

I know that there seems to be a constant negativity from the older generation to the younger generation concerning the moral climate of America. Perhaps this makes the young people a little bit put out with the lack of trust extended to them concerning the future. So let me first say to everyone younger than me that we believe in you and that we charge you with the great responsibility of tomorrow. May God be with you and may your lives be protected with the blessings of His peace. We want you to succeed and we wish for the world of tomorrow to be full of hope.

That being said, I want to address some moral issues that are currently facing us that need our immediate attention. Please hear me out as I submit to you some things that need to be dealt with:

1. There needs to be a greater fear and respect for the God of heaven.

Proverbs 1:7 states, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” At the end of Ecclesiastes we are told that the whole of man is to, “Fear God and keep His commandments” (Eccl. 12:13). One thing I have noticed over the years, even in our churches, is that God is not treated with the same respect as I remember witnessing in my younger days. The way people flippantly mistreat the word of God, coupled with the desire to make church about us instead of a sacrifice to Him is very disturbing. There seems to be in the majority a general lack of reverence for the Creator and Sustainer of the universe.

2. There needs to be less effort expended on personal physical wealth.

I know that we all want to do well in America. I know we care about the economy and that we want our children to be blessed in physical ways. But I think it is sad that we live in a time where people are more driven politically by what is best for our economy than they are moved by what would be right for the state of our souls. In the last few decades, regardless of whether it has been a Democrat or a Republican who has served as president, whenever I hear about what causes people to say yes or no to a particular candidate the overriding factor that tends to influence their choice seems to be money. But Jesus said our treasures should be heavenly and that our treasure is where our heart is (Matt. 6:19-21). We need to invest more in eternity and less in this temporal world.

3. There needs to be a distinctive moral code for our children.

When I was younger things were black and white. Right was right and wrong was wrong and if you needed that explained to you more clearly you would open up the Bible and find the answers. Homosexuality was an abomination. Divorce was not encouraged at the drop of a hat. Cuss words weren’t allowed on T.V. and movies with illicit sexual scenes and gross humor were frowned upon instead of celebrated. If you heard someone use God’s name in vain the conversation you were having with them ended. Drinking and drugs weren’t cool, and partaking in such things was considered a poor choice and in the least a lack of self-control. We need a world where the lines of morality are not blurred and where boundaries are clearly defined. Instead, we live in a time where pornography has been exalted and hedonism has been encouraged as an exercise of one’s personal desire for self-fulfillment.

These are just a few thoughts going through my brain on a Monday afternoon. The world that God has supplied for our temporary physical existence can either glorify Him or forget Him. We can make this planet as good or as bad as we want it to be. So let’s do our part to make it an abode that is worth our wandering until God calls us to our true eternal home.

“But as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct.” – 1 Peter 1:15

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AUTHOR: Jeremiah Tatum

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