Church Life,  Trust God

Some Quick Thoughts on 1 Peter 5:7

I use 1 Peter 5:7 in sermons and lessons a lot, probably because I need the reminder as much as (if not more than) anyone else. In that famous verse, Peter reminds us to be “casting all your anxieties on Him; He cares for you.”

That verse is often used in lessons on prayer, worry, faith, and many other subjects. But, just for a moment in this post, I want to ask you: have you ever considered what the word “anxieties” means in that verse?

Obviously, Peter was not specifically addressing what we might call “clinical” anxiety. He wasn’t writing about taking some diagnosis to God.

Instead, the original word carried the idea of “being drawn in different directions.” It meant something that distracts or something that divides one’s attention.

Now, couple that information with the little word “all” in 1 Peter 5:7 and you have a deeply powerful concept. Cast all that you have that would divide your attention from God upon Him!

But why should you do that?

Because He cares for you. Implication? The things that are distracting you and pulling you in different directions simply cannot care for you like He can–and does.

What is distracting you? What is pulling your attention away from the Lord or competing for that attention? Cast it on Him. He cares for you.

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn


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