Some Random Thoughts

A vast majority of the posts on this blog are about one concentrated thought. However, sometimes my mind is working (or, maybe, misfiring) a million things at once. That’s the case this morning. Here are some random thoughts I’ve had this morning (so far) on all sorts of topics.
1. I love my family. Yes, I have this thought often (daily!), but it has just been so much in my mind today. I worked yesterday morning, then went home and spent some time in the late afternoon with the kids playing in the snow. God is too good to me to give me such a wonderful family.
2. I have been on a music “kick” lately. I love music, but, when I did the “Greatest Voices Project” around Thanksgiving last year, it built back into me a desire to listen to music. My Pandora station (“Adam’s Music Radio” if you want to look it up) has been playing a lot lately, and I have also subscribed to a really cool new music blog that I’m enjoying.
3. Lebanon Road is a wonderful place to be. 9 great elders. Deacons who are visionary and hard-working. Members who could not be any nicer or more encouraging. Now, if the preacher just measured up!!!
4. 10 years. My parents just completed their 10th year at Central in Paducah. When they moved there, the average Sunday morning attendance was well under 100. Now, they usually have around 190-200 on Sunday morning. It is a loving place, and dad continues to be the greatest preacher I know. I’m so grateful that Central gave them a “party” to celebrate the milestone!
5. I hate hearing about congregations in turmoil. I have been hearing about several lately, and it just breaks my heart. Every congregation struggles at times, but I have been hearing of far too many congregations that are really hurting.
6. Snow is wonderful. I always remember snow days from my growing up years in Missouri, so this winter has been a return to my childhood in many ways. Just another reminder of how great God is, that He can blanket His creation with this beautiful stuff!
7. The BCS stinks. You knew it was coming, right? Don’t get me wrong: Auburn played and won. They deserve the accolades they get. But so does TCU. I’m so tired of college football fans telling us that the bowl system “protects the regular season,” then keeps teams with perfect regular seasons out of any hope for a title. Playoffs. Now!
8. Momentum is hard to continue. We are just 11 days in 2011, but I am already trying to think of ways to keep a great start to our year at Lebanon Road going! With “Greater Things” as our theme, the absolute last thing we need to have happen is to slow down and rest on our laurels!
9. An humbling number. I had never really done the “mental math” until Sunday night. I then figured out that my dad (Central church of Christ in Paducah), Leah’s brother (Jason Moon; Chase Park church of Christ, Huntsville), my brother-in-law (Jeremiah Tatum; Willow Avenue church of Christ, Cookeville) and me (Lebanon Road) preach to over 1500 people on an average Sunday. I don’t say that in any way to brag. I say it because it was eye-opening and very humbling that our family has been asked to teach, encourage, and aid that many people each week.
10. Leah is beautiful. I have a new picture of her in my office. I might have to take it out of here, because I keep looking at it instead of working! The best part about my bride, though, is that she is even more beautiful in her soul than she is on the outside (and she is stunningly beautiful outside!).
I know…random. But, that’s how my mind is working today. Let’s hope it settles in, as I try to finish sermon outlines for next Sunday!
Jim Faughn
#4 contains an glaring error!! Either that or you don’t know very many preachers!!
VERY appreciated, though.