Church Life,  Family

Some Things I Hope I Never Forget

I know it’s risky to use a title like this. The reality is that if I live for several more years I may not be able to remember the things I really want to. My mother had severe dementia in her later years, and while there is no guarantee that I will follow in her footsteps, there is the real possibility that I might.

I still want to share some things with you that I hope I never forget.  hey are very special to me and were brought to my remembrance this last week by the first thing on my list.

I hope I never forget:

The feeling I had when I was raised up from the waters of baptism.

The feel of my mother’s arms around me.

The sound of my husband telling me that he loves me.

My daughter’s smile and beautiful bright eyes.

My son leading singing.

The look of joy on my father’s face when he would see me or one of his grandchildren when we would come for a visit.

The laughter of my grandchildren.

The sound of my granddaughter saying in a prayer before one of my sessions at Polishing the Pulpit, “Please help my grandmother as she presents her lesson.” It was so special to me that it brought tears to my eyes and real joy to my heart.

The voice of a very little girl who also led a prayer at PtP before a session. In her tiny little voice in that very big room, she said a prayer of thanksgiving for Jesus and what He has done for us.

The sound of over 3000 voices blending together as we sang praises to God during worship on Sunday morning.

The sound of teens (and some a little older) who sang with such zeal each night in the atrium.

The beauty of God’s creation in the world around me.

God’s word – the Bible.  I pray that I will always be able to remember His words and how they have strengthened me and led me in this life.

I really didn’t realize how long my list could end up being. It actually could be a lot longer! Maybe it’s long enough to give you a glimpse into my heart and let you know how blessed I feel I have been.

Maybe you will want to make your own list of things you hope you never forget, and then realize how blessed you have been too.

“He has caused His wondrous works to be remembered; the Lord is gracious and merciful.” (Psalm 111:4)

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AUTHOR: Donna Faughn


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