Church Life,  Family

Some Thoughts in the Midst of a “Perfect Storm”


I suppose that it was what some call “a perfect storm” that has prompted this post. Here are some of the elements in that storm.

The gospel meeting we had recently where I am one of the preachers. During this meeting, our son and son-in-law shared the preaching and song leading duties.

That reminded me that neither one of them is a “kid preacher” any longer – if they ever were. Both of them are grown, mature men who are capable of leading people to Jesus. It gave me confidence that the cause of Christ will not suffer when some of us older ones are no longer able to preach. It may, in fact, be in better hands with them than is has been with some of my generation.

The baptism of one of our granddaughters

Her decision to put Christ on in baptism reminded me that our grandchildren are slowly (sometimes all too quickly) becoming responsible and accountable to our Lord. It reminded me that there are still people who have “…an honest and good heart” (Luke 8:15).

I don’t need to join the chorus of the cynics who say that there are no people like that any longer and/or that the gospel has lost its effectiveness.

The resignation of one of our deacons

In the nearly sixteen years I’ve been preaching where I am, we have had more changes in our leadership than I care to try to take the time to count. 

Some who are now serving were not even members here then. Some who were serving then have gone on to their reward.

My class reunion

I used to look at those pictures in my hometown newspaper of people who had attended the reunion held fifty years after their graduation. I was somewhat surprised that they were still alive. 

I found out this year that twenty-one of our graduating class of 158 no longer are. I also found out that none of us look quite like we did in 1966.

The fact that Donna and I are spending more time on the road 

We are away from home more in recent years than has been the case in past years. That keeps us away from our home congregation more than has been the case. 

What All These Elements Remind Me Of…

All of that adds up to the realization on my part that change is constant. Nothing is ever just like it was. 

It also causes me to think about the fact that the cause of Christ does not depend on people or circumstances. 

I am grateful to be a part of the “…kingdom that shall never be destroyed…” and “..shall stand forever” (Dan. 2:44).

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