• Tech

    Wednesday List: My Current iPhone Apps

    I like technology, but I’ll admit that I have no idea how any of it works. I learn a few simple (and I mean simple) steps, and let them help me. While I try out several technologies, I spend very little money, and keep only what helps me. For our list this week, I’m listing the apps I use on my iPhone. PAGE ONE PingChat. I don’t use this app as much as I used to (and I’ll explain why later). This is a text messaging program. If someone else has PingChat, you add them as a contact and the “texts” (called “pings”) are free. I don’t pay for unlimited…

  • Books

    8 Ways to Add to Your Library Without Breaking the Bank

    I know this is shocking, but I love books! I love challenging myself by reading books, and I have a goal to read 50 this year. (I’m a little behind the “pace” needed, but I’m trying.) Buying books, though, is expensive. And, if you are like me, and love to build a real library, the amount of money you could spend could be overwhelming. Also, without a little self-control, we bibliophiles can harm our family’s budget by just buying and buying and buying some more. I want to share some ways you can add books to your library without crippling your financial future to do so. (And, by the way,…