
"Thank You" (Bulletin Article for March 16)

In this column, I have said things such as, “9th Avenue is a special place” many times. Each time I have typed those words, I have meant them. This is a great congregation of God’s people, and it is an honor to be part of the work here.

Last Sunday night, you honored my family and me with the “going away party.” You were generous with your gifts and with your words of kindness. We were moved, and you truly made us feel special. “Thank you” just doesn’t seem like enough.

As I said Sunday night, we are thankful for your gifts, but we are more thankful for 9th Avenue’s just being 9th Avenue. A person would have great difficulty finding another congregation where so many people just “do their part.” Many have sent cards and emails to us over the past few weeks, doing something “behind the scenes.” Others have shared a memory, hug or tear. Some have given gifts. The elders were so loving and generous by giving me money to purchase a new computer as their gift.

But it’s not the giving that’s so special, it’s the givers. When we leave in 3 weeks, we will be leaving family. We have been to weddings, funerals, surgeries, ball games, concerts and meals together. You have been there for us with the loss of my grandfather, the birth/adoption of Mary Carol, the birth of Turner and the purchase of our first house. You have put up with my mistakes and showered me with compliments when something went well. All the while, you were working behind the scenes to make those things go well.

We didn’t always agree and not everything was perfect, but you showed the kind of attitude that only Christians have. You truly knew the meaning of the old phrase, “disagree without being disagreeable,” and you displayed it in constructive ways; ways that helped me grow as a preacher.

Above all, though, you are givers. You give of yourself. Our young people have such a great example from so many of you. They will learn, from you, to give of their time, their skills, and their money. That’s a heritage that no one can beat!

While we will still be here for a few more days, it is time to start saying our “goodbyes.” But it is past time for us to say our “thank you’s.” So, from the Faughn family, “Thank you.”

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