Church Life,  Family,  Parenting

Thank You, Danleys!

A few weeks ago, Mary Carol and Turner got to enjoy a wonderful event in East Tennessee. It provided them–and one of their friends, Annie–with a great evening and a lot of fun, but also it helped to show that Christians can do certain “rites of passage” without the influence of the world.

Joel and Hannah Danley deserve so much credit for this great evening, which was a formal banquet for high school juniors and seniors. It is meant to be an alternative to the PROM, which, over the years ,has become not only a rite of passage, but an increasingly worldly event.

I am so grateful that I grew up in a congregation that put on a great PROM alternative (MORP…get it?). We got to dress up (and nothing immodest was allowed), enjoy a banquet, and have fun. We even got our pictures made. I am thankful for other congregations and groups that put on these types of events so young people can have that “rite of passage” without all the sinful junk that surrounds the modern PROM.


Sensual music.

Dancing (between hormone-raging teenagers).

None of that goes on, but the young people are still able to have “their” dress-up night. And I am so grateful that our Junior and Senior got to enjoy such an evening a few weeks ago. They dressed up. They had a great meal (they both loved that part!). They had great activities. The location was beautiful. The others who were present were there for clean fun.

It was a blast.

Parents, let’s support events like these. Let’s show our young people that you don’t have to be like the world to have fun. Let’s continue to make sure that our Christian morals are in every part of our life, not just in some parts of our lives.

Thank you, Danleys. We love and appreciate you guys!

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn


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