Church Life,  Trust God

Thank You, Father

Today’s post is short, but oh-so-heartfelt. 

Who knew that pushing the gas pedal could be so hard?! I had put the car in reverse, but I had to force myself to push down on the gas. Why? Because I was leaving a part of my heart there. It took actual mental and physical effort to make my foot push down.

Once I stopped heave-crying and began to just ache, my heart and mind turned to God. I knew I couldn’t do this without His help. And then, another thought intruded. I was leaving my son in a place where he was loved… Where he was excited to begin his life on his own… With a loving congregation who has already proven their care in all the preparation they did to get ready for his coming.

God sent His Son, His only Son, to a world that disregarded Him. Into a land ruled by those so power-hungry that they killed babies for a perceived threat. To a people who should have been overwhelmed with thankfulness at His coming but instead saw Him as a risk and change to their way of life. To a time in world history of harsh conditions, military rule, political and religious struggle, and barbaric treatment of those who were convicted of stepping out of line.

For me. For you.

Thank you, Father, for Your sacrifice. Thank You for the opportunity to get the smallest glimpse of what that sacrifice cost You. Thank you for the blessings You have given me even through Your Son’s suffering and pain. Thank you.

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AUTHOR: Amber Tatum


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