Church Life

That’s a Wrap

As of 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, the school year was over. Well, except for teacher work day and the 2 hour report card pick up day on Friday. See, that’s part of the problem with earthly things. We think we know when they are ending, but there is always more to do. 

At church, in our Bible class on the gospel of John, Ben Smith pointed out an interesting fact about the wrappings left behind in the tomb of Jesus. They were folded and the face or head cloth was laid separately from the other parts. Why? Because they would not be needed again. When God says something is over, it is actually over.

While, in the case of Jesus’ resurrection, the finality is wonderful, there is a time coming that may not be so wonderful depending on your situation. God “has fixed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom He has appointed; and of this He has given assurance to all by raising Him from the dead” (Acts 17:31). The first finality – Jesus’ resurrection – stands as proof of the second – the end of this world. 

At that final call, all will confess that Jesus is Lord (Phil. 2:11), but for some, that confession will come too late. And once that time comes, it is truly a wrap – no changes, no more responsibilities (Luke 16:26). One has either done what God asked or they haven’t.

So, unlike my school year that may (or may not) be totally completed this Friday at 10:00 (oh, wait, I have car duty for at least 30 more minutes), use the thought of Jesus’ wraps, to remind yourself and others that one day, this life will be “a wrap.”

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AUTHOR: Amber Tatum


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