
The Big Announcement!!!

Since last Friday, we have been mentioning that a big announcement would be unveiled this week. So, of course, we waited all the way until Friday to unveil it.

So, what is it?

Four preachers, including me, have been working together on an idea for a new blog, and today we are giving you a “preview” of this new work.

Joey Sparks of Jasper, Alabama; Wes Hazel of Manchester, Tennessee; James Dalton of Blytheville, Arkansas; and Adam are all four going to be administrators and writers for the new blog.

Most “blogging experts” say that, for a blog to be successful, it must be focused in on a specific subject area. That is the idea behind our new work. The four of us have divided up areas of responsibility, but all articles will deal with the Christian and finance.

The blog is called “Where Your Treasure Is: Merging Faith and Personal Finance.” The masthead, designed by Joey Sparks, is pictured below:

We hope, through this blog, to give a Biblical perspective on finance. All four of us admit, we are not experts in how to handle money. That is part of the purpose of this blog. By writing articles dealing with the Bible and finance, giving, frugal living, saving, investing, debt reduction and other areas, we hope to help ourselves as well as each reader. We are going to be very open about our own finances, both positively and negatively. We hope you will celebrate our victories and “boo” our defeats!
The blog will feature articles written by each author, and also links to other helpful sites and articles. Our initial goal is to average at least two posts per day (at least 60 per month). By giving you this many resources, you should want to come back daily to learn–with us–about the Bible and finance.
So many websites and blogs deal with money, but very few have a Christian viewpoint. We want to change that. Yes, there will be a lot of articles and links dealing with “general” finance, but all will be chosen to help you give more to the Lord, save more for your family and avoid having your heart in this world.

The blog will be unveiled on Friday, June 1. Please pass along a link to this article in emails to friends, coworkers, family members,…well, anyone!
Oh, yeah, and go ahead and bookmark the site: http://whereyourtreasureis.blogspot.com.

A Legacy of Faith exists to help families survive the day, plan for tomorrow, and always keep an eye on eternity. If you choose to print one of our articles in another publication (e.g., church bulletin), please give credit to the author and provide a link to the article's url. Thank you.