
The Case Against MySpace

Social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook have come under heavy pressure in recent months. Concerned parents and law enforcement officials are worried about potential predators using these sites to prowl for underage victims (or victims in general).

Eight attorneys general have brought a case against MySpace stating that the site should do whatever it can to dismiss convicted sex offenders from the site.

Parents, have you seen your child’s MySpace page/profile? Do you know who is considered a friend on your child’s site? Have you seen the language, pictures and links used by many on sites such as MySpace? We need to be extra careful!

Below are several links about the case and about MySpace in general.

A PDF of the letter from the 8 Attorneys General

Information Week: States Demand Information…

MySpace Terms and Conditions

“The Shocking New ‘Christian’ Generation” (by Wayne Jackson)


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