
The Cathedral of Hope: Is This Where the Church is Headed?

The Cathedral of Hope in Dallas, Texas, is the world’s largest homosexual “church.” While straight people are welcome, too, the church caters to homosexuals. Even the “pastor,” a former Methodist minister, is gay.

The following 3 video clips are all actually one clip. YouTube does not accept video clips of longer than 10 minutes, so this was broken down. This is a DVD/commercial for the congregation that is given to visitors and those who request it from the website. It totals about 27 minutes.

To put it mildly, it is disturbing. There are so many false teachings in this that I don’t even want to start listing them.

So, why post these? I grappled with it for a while, but decided to post them anyway. My thinking is that, if those of us in the church don’t start teaching and preaching the truth, we will soon have brethren wanting congregations like Cathedral of Hope in the brotherhood. (More after the videos.)

The video is well-produced and presents one side of the story. The “pastor” also takes a shot at “fundamentalists,” as does the narration. As yesterday’s post reminded us (in a humorous way), we do need to be loving. But we also need to speak the truth, and the truth is that a practicing homosexual is living in sin and cannot enter heaven.

That may sound harsh, but it’s what Paul wrote to the Corinthians. The good news, and what needs to be preached, is that those who are practicing homosexuals can be forgiven, as were those in Corinth. They were willing to give up that lifestyle, which showed true repentance. Anyone who truly repents of sin will be accepted by God. That’s true of the adulterer, the thief, the murderer, the liar and the homosexual.

Let’s never be afraid to preach that truth, even in our postmodern age.

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