The Christian’s Social Media Checklist

Social media is a constant in our lives. I sometimes wonder if future generations are going to wonder why half of our words started with a “#”! We spend hours on Facebook, Instagram (or, for you cool kids, “insta” or “the gram”), Twitter, and a host of other smaller platforms.
There is so much good that can be done through social media, as we are able to share Bible verses, links to good articles (maybe this one? hint, hint), ideas of church activities, and more.
But with the good also comes a lot of bad. False information. Arguments. Biting sarcasm. Even idolatry, as we post far more about some earthly pursuits than we do about our heavenly goal.
Personally, I believe Christians should use social media if they want to. It is not an imperative to make it through life, but it is an area we can use for good.
How? In other words, what should we post?
I could, if I wanted to, share something like “5 questions to ask” or “7 tips before posting.” Each one might have merit and might even have a biblical basis.
But I think there is a much easier way to handle this for followers of Jesus. In reality, it is how we need to handle all interactions and communication, not just things we post digitally. Even better? It is an inspired checklist.
Before a Christian posts on social media or reacts to a post on social media, maybe he or she should run their thoughts through this checklist:
- It is true?
- Is it honorable?
- Is it just?
- Is it pure?
- Is it lovely?
- Is it commendable?
- Is it something of excellence?
- Is it worthy of praise?
Sound familiar? That is the same list Paul would tell Christians to be constantly thinking or dwelling on in Philippians 4:8.
If we would take just a few moments to run every post, comment, and reaction through that filter, we would avoid so many problems, and we could know with certainty that we are being faithful to the Lord, even on social media.
“…think about these things” (Philippians 4:8)
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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn