The Consequences of Just One Decision

I was recently explaining to my children that years ago my grandfather told my dad (when he was a single teenager) that he should ask my mom (when she was a single teenager) out on a date. We have said over the years that this nudging set into motion a multitude of events that resulted in my parents’ marriage and subsequently the existence of all of their children and grandchildren. If my papa hadn’t nudged my dad, then it is likely that I would have never been born. One decision can really have an impact that is more far-reaching than any of us can ever imagine.
Which brings to mind that time when they were in the garden, the first two people who ever lived. They were able to take of the tree of life and live forever. But they were tempted by Satan and Adam and Eve made a decision with consequences more terrible than they could ever comprehend. I have read that the worst two things a human can experience are first, the death of a child, and second, having to experience their child take the life of an innocent person. Adam and Eve had two sons and the first son murdered the second. They experienced both circumstances in one event. It all goes back to that one decision in Eden that I am sure at the time seemed fairly harmless to them.
Every single day we are faced with choices. These choices may be as simple as what we choose to eat and drink, what we choose to say, or where we choose to go. It may be what we decide to look at or read or learn or believe. Our choices also concern how we treat others and what goals we set for the day. In all of these choices there can be no doubt that the same tempter who was present in Eden is present with us (1 Pet. 5:8). We may find ourselves in situations where the decisions we are making seem harmless or unimportant. We need to remember that every choice we make is directional to a result and that it always leads to a related choice that is soon to follow.
Adam and Eve suffered more than the devastation of their broken family. Their sin caused every family to suffer, even the heavenly one. The Father and Son had to be separated by the cross because of four thousand year old decision. In all of this we are reminded that God’s response to sin was love and grace and forgiveness that will all come to us if we will make the better decision to follow Him and obey the blessed gospel of Christ.
Just like one poor decision can have dire consequences that can reach farther than we can imagine, one good decision can positively change eternity. The best choice that we will ever make will be to become a Christian. And sometimes the best decisions come with a little nudging from someone who loves us and cares about our future. I sure am thankful my papa nudged my dad. I am even more thankful for the spiritual nudging that my grandmother gave my papa that helped him to become a child of God.
So I can’t help but ask you, “Are you washed in the blood, in the soul-cleansing blood of the Lamb?” Please forgive the nudging. Just understand that I am keenly aware of the possible consequences of just one decision.
“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” – John 10:27
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AUTHOR: Jeremiah Tatum