Family,  Parenting

The Goal of Christian Parenting in One Statement

It is not easy to be a parent, and it seems to be more and more difficult to be a Christian parent each day. As our society drifts further away from Biblical principles and purity, instilling those things in our children only becomes more against the grain.

But have you ever thought that the entire goal of being a Christian parent can be summarized in just one statement? That said, it is a statement that every Christian dad and mom need to have in mind with every decision they make.

It is a statement you emphasize when you tell your child that they will not dress like everyone else, but will protect the purity of their body in an increasingly immodest fashion world.

It is a statement that you undergird when you take your child off the ball field in the late innings of the semifinal game because he or she is going to go to Wednesday night Bible study and learn about the Lord.

It is a statement you are prioritizing each time you and your family sit down and have a family Bible time, instead of filling your evening with one more activity away from home, or just another night vegging in front of the TV or video game system.

It is a statement you are making when you refuse to let your kids go to the school dances, no matter how popular they may be (even among other people at church), because you know the mood of a night like that is one that is not conducive to pure thoughts.

It is a statement you are building into them each time you leave the theme park on vacation to go to Sunday night services, instead of staying away because you are away from home.

It is a statement that you are emphasizing when you refuse to watch just any movie, no matter how often your kids ask, because you will not let your children be entertained by the types of things that put Jesus on the cross.

So, what is this statement? What is the goal of Christian parenting?

It’s a statement that you will not make. It’s not even a statement that your kids will make.

It’s a statement that you will pray every day you hear Jesus Himself make to your children:

“Well done, good and faithful servant.” (Matthew 25:21)

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn

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