Church Life

The Key to Christian Unity

People struggle to get along with one another. That can even be true of Christians. Because we have our own likes and dislikes and we have different personalities, we can struggle at times with getting along.

However, unity is the prayed-for desire of our Lord (John 17:21). He wants His people to be one. With all our differences, though, how can we do that?

Recently at Central, we have sung an older hymn that I don’t remember singing for a little while. I know we’ve sung it before, but it just seems as if it had been some time and, now, we’ve sung it a couple of times in just a few weeks.

The name of the hymn is “Do All in the Name of the Lord.” It is a very straightforward song. It doesn’t rely on “poetic language;” rather, it simply gives short statements that remind the singers to put the authority of God into practice.

One line of that song, though, jumps out at me. We sing, “Dear Christian friends if you’d be one, do all in the name of the Lord.”

Right there is the key to Christian unity. It is not about just going along to get along. It is not about acquiescing to culture. It is not about insisting on my own way. And it is not about always letting someone else get his or her own way.

It is about doing everything by the authority of Jesus.

When the Bible speaks, we will agree on that and do the best we can to fulfill it. When the Bible does not speak to a matter, we will do the same. How? By following Biblical principles. Obedience to elders (Hebrews 13). Not putting down those who are weaker in the faith (Romans 14). Love (1 Corinthians 13). Doing things decently and in order (1 Corinthians 14).

Too many people want unity, but they do not grasp the concept that the only way to actually achieve unity is to stand firm on the Word of God. The key is to “do all in the name of the Lord.”

And then, Christian friends, you’ll be one.

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn


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