Family,  Parenting

The Main Lesson To Teach Your Children On Vacation

Vacation season has arrived for many people. Schools are letting out and families are taking trips. Despite rising costs, a lot of families see value in getting away for a few days of relaxation and fun. With Memorial Day coming soon, trips will begin in earnest and summer will be loaded with them.

There are so many good things that can come from a vacation. Rest is a good thing. Making memories is a blessing that is so special. Experiencing new things and seeing new places is wonderful.

There is also an educational aspect to any vacation. Even if you are just going to hang out in the mountains or go to a theme park, your kids are learning. While it may not be a trip to a museum or historic site, lessons are being learned. Many of those lessons are simply about fun and how to interact as a family, and those are tremendously important.

But there is one lesson that is the main lesson that can be taught on vacation, and I am sorry to say that many families are failing to teach it. What is it?

You never take a vacation from Christianity.

When you are away for some fun, it teaches your kids something if you take the time to find a local congregation and worship on Sunday or to go to Bible class on Wednesday night. It teaches them something very different if you don’t.

It teaches your kids something if you will dress immodestly (or allow them to) simply because you are at the beach or a hot theme park. It teaches them something far more wonderful if you continue to insist on Biblical purity, no matter your location.

Your kids notice if you never (or rarely) drink at home but then drink a few beers or order wine simply because you are not “on the clock.” They learn something far better if they see that your morals do not change just because of where you happen to be.

A vacation is a wonderful time to teach these lessons. But, in reality, they should just reinforce what you do as a family all the time. If you are a child of God, that doesn’t change simply because you take a few days away from work or because you cross a state line. Your Christianity is to guide every decision you make.

If you don’t teach your children that simply by living it before them, who will?

And, if you don’t, where will they allow their morals to be different when they have your grandchildren?

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn

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