Family,  Parenting

The Most Controversial Thing about Parents in Our Society

It is hard to watch, read, or scan the news and not see some story or headline about parents. Maybe it has to do with school curricula. Maybe it has to do with the medical establishment. Maybe it has to do with local sports’ leagues.

But it is quite an interesting thing to hear the word “parents” in the news so often.

It got me thinking about something that is quite telling, but also extremely sad. And it may just be the most controversial thing about parents in our society.

What is it? That they are actually acting as parents!

What does it say about our culture that parents trying to intervene in the lives of their children–for their emotional, spiritual, sexual, and relational safety–are considered the enemies? What does it say when “experts” know more about your own children than you do and you are told to just be quiet about it?

For too long, parents let others raise their children and just trusted “what was best” was being done. The soccer coach taught teamwork. The school teachers filled minds with information. Youth ministers and Bible class teachers took care of the Bible. Doctors took care of their health. And on and on and on it went.

Pretty much, so long as the parents provided a safe place to sleep and a ride between the experts, they felt as if they were doing their job.

But some began to realize that, even if someone else has authority or expertise in some area, these are still the children that God has given US. While I may not be able to teach my child about drama and acting, this is still my child, so I should have a say in the types of ideas and concepts that are being used to teach that. I may not know much about medicine, but I should still have the final say on procedures, medicines, and so forth because this is my child.

It is nothing short of societal destruction if parents being parents is a controversial issue.

Parents, be parents! Those are your children and God gave them to you. Do not back down from seeking to help them have a safe and Godly environment in every arena of their lives. You not only want what is best for them, you want that to God’s glory. Don’t back down from providing it, no matter how controversial our society wants that to be.

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn

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