Church Life

The Most Important Thing that Happened to Naaman

Many who read these words will have also read about a man by the name of Naaman. Many of us have read about a dramatic event which is recorded in 2 Kings 5. I’m wondering if we may have missed the most significant thing recorded in that chapter. 

We may remember that he was a great and powerful man. We may also remember that he was afflicted with the terrible disease of leprosy. We also learn in this chapter of his pride which almost kept him from being healed. The simple suggestion that caused him to do what the messenger of God told him to do is also recorded. The fact that his leprosy disappeared when he obeyed is, probably to many of us, the high point of this account.

Among other things, this record of Naaman reminds us of some themes that we find repeated throughout the Bible. Here and elsewhere we learn about such things as the foolishness of pride; the arrogance of some in positions of authority; the necessity of humility; and the need to simply do what the Lord instructs us to do.

What could we have missed? 

The answer to that question may be found as we consider what could possibly be more important to a person than being cured of a disease like leprosy. This terrible disease disfigures, alienates, and kills. Surely nothing could be better than regaining one’s physical features, personal relationships, and good health.

Oh – but there is!

It seems to me that the most important thing that happened on this occasion is found in a statement made by Naaman:

“…Behold, I know that there is no God in all the earth, but in Israel…” 

(2 Kings 5:15).

The most important thing recorded about Naaman is not that he was healed, but that he became a believer in God. 

I’m wondering if we can learn something from this. All of us deal with our own needs that may be physical, material, emotional, and/or social. As we interact with others, we may also seek to help them meet similar needs. 

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. You can probably easily call to mind a variety of verses and passages that deal with these (and many other) categories of needs.

Sometimes, these needs are only perceived. At other times, though, these needs are real and they need our attention.

However, while we meet the various needs that we all have, it is my prayer that we learn something from the biblical account of Naaman. The most urgent and important thing any person can do is to become an obedient believer in the God of heaven and His Son.

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AUTHOR: Jim Faughn

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