Church Life,  Family

The Ones Who Stand Behind the One Who Stands Before

The congregation where I serve as an elder is privileged to support various mission works. Some of those works are “stateside” and some are overseas. It is always encouraging to hear how the Lord’s work is progressing in various places.

Not long ago, one of the men we support preached for us and told us about his work. I was impressed by the work that is being done and by how he presented the information.

One picture he showed us really made an impression on me. Maybe it would be more accurate to say that what he said about the picture was what made the greatest impact.

The picture was of his family. What he said was –

“I wanted you to see the people who stand behind me as I stand before you.”

Two of his sons were with him, but due to illness and to the fact that one daughter is in college, the whole family could not be present that morning. He could have just explained that. He could have said that the two sons were representing the entire family. He could have just talked about his work. He could have done a lot of things, but the one thing he did impressed me a great deal. He wanted us to at least get to see a picture of his supportive family whether or not we ever get to meet all of them in person.

There’s an old saying that suggests that, if you ever see a terrapin on the top of a fence post, you can know that it didn’t get there by itself. It needed some help getting there. 

The fact is that none of us ever get where we are by ourselves. We’ve all had some help along the way. In fact, if we are honest, we would acknowledge that we never get to the point where we do not need the support and encouragement of others.

What I am thinking about as I type this is not even close to the condescending “gratitude” expressed by some for the “little people” who help them succeed. In my opinion, that is not much (if any) better than the person who tries to pretend that he/she is the only one responsible for whatever they have accomplished or are accomplishing.

I am so thankful that there are still people who are humble and honest enough to “share the limelight” with people who love them enough to love, support, and encourage them. I really hope I’m wrong, but it seems to me that there are fewer and fewer of those kinds of people these days. It seems to me that it is more acceptable (and even more popular) to have an attitude that sends a message somewhat like, “Look at me. Look at how great I am.”

It could very well be that those who will not share the spotlight with others will find that the world is a very dark place when they step out of that light and/or if it is turned off. On the other hand, I believe that the people who recognize the debt that they owe to others for their support and encouragement and who repay that debt by supporting them will have a different experience. I believe that they will live a quality and satisfying life regardless of how dark things get.

Shortly after I typed the paragraphs above, I happened to have the radio on in my car. I was listening to a woman who is, admittedly, very successful in her field. As I listened, she described herself as self-made. I couldn’t help but think of the contrast of the young man who wanted to make sure that people got to at least see pictures of his support system.  

The next time you run into somebody or hear somebody who describes himself/herself as “self-made,” it might be a good idea to pray for them. That phrase could be an innocent slip of the tongue. On the other hand, you could be in the company of or listening to an example of what I believe to be the worst kind of delusion — self delusion.

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AUTHOR: Jim Faughn

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