The Only Place for Put-Downs

A little good natured ribbing is just part of life. We do dumb things sometimes, and we need to learn to laugh at ourselves when we do. And, if we’re honest, we have people close to us who we love, in part, because they make us laugh at ourselves.
But we also know that there is a difference between a good natured ribbing and a true put-down. When we put someone down, well, just look at the word. We are making ourselves seem superior and the other person inferior just because. We are making them feel dumb or ugly or uncool for no real reason, or for a reason that intentionally hurts their feelings.
That is simply not Christianity.
People have intrinsic worth, and it is more than the value of the whole world. Because each individual is created in the image of God, they are of indescribable value, and none of that value is based upon the outward. Their beauty (or lack thereof), wealth (or pennilessness), or intelligence (or ignorance) are not the types of things that show their real worth.
So why would we ever put people down for these things? Why would we make fun of someone just because they are poor–or rich? Why would we pile on someone who is slower in school–or because they fly through work with ease? Why would we put someone down for the color of their skin–no matter how dark or light?
There just is no place for put-downs in Christianity.
Or, is there?
Actually, I can think of one place where we should be putting people down. We should take anything we think might be a weakness or a difference that we need to work on and we should, actually, be putting them down.
Put them down on your prayer list.
That is Christianity.
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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn