The Seed Principle

I recently read an online article from The Atlantic that I found interesting. The title was…
After 2,000 Years, These Seeds Have Finally Sprouted
Six date seeds as old as the Dead Sea Scrolls are now flourishing as trees on a kibbutz.
Below a picture of some date-palm trees, the article provides some information about some seeds found at ancient archaeological sites. Some of these seeds have been planted in recent years. According to the article, “These seeds, according to radiocarbon dating, were about 2,000 years old.”
The article explains that some researchers planted some of the more well-preserved seeds. It also discusses the surprise of the researchers about the fact that some of the seeds sprouted and are now growing.
It was of interest to me to learn that these seeds were found in an area that would have been familiar to Jesus during his ministry on the earth. It was also of interest to learn that these seeds were “from His time” here.
During that time here – and in a place not that far removed from where the seeds were found – Jesus spoke words we now know as “The Parable of The Sower.” You’re probably familiar with it.
Without going into a study of any of the details of the parable, I think we can all agree that one of the points is that, when seed is planted in good soil, it will germinate and grow. It will, of course, produce “according to its kind” (Gen. 1:11-12). None of us would expect to plant corn and harvest broccoli.
When Jesus explained His parable, He said,
Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God ( Luke 8:11, ESV).
When the apostles and others sowed the seed (the word of God) around 2,000 years ago, their efforts did not result in a variety of “crops.” There were not conflicting and confusing doctrines, practices, names, etc.
Why would the same not be true today? If the “incorruptible seed” (cf. 1 Peter 1:23) were to be planted today, would it not produce what it did around 2,000 years ago?
I’ll close these thoughts with two “offers.” First, if you would like to read the entire article from The Atlantic, you can do that at…
Second, if you would like to discuss what I’m calling “the seed principle” with me, I’d love to do that. I truly believe that it may be a key to an answer to the Lord’s prayer for the unity of all who believe in Him (cf. John 17:20-21).
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AUTHOR: Jim Faughn