The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow

“The sun’ll come out tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow, there’ll be sun.” Annie, an orphan, sang these words in the 1982 movie by the same name – Annie. She sang them while she was living in an orphanage with a monster of a head mistress – Miss Hannigan. What prompted her sunny attitude was the belief that she had been left at the orphanage by mistake. It’s a great movie about a little girl with a positive attitude and how deeply ingrained her belief is that better days are ahead.
Many of us have been quarantined for quite a number of days and some of those days have been cloudy and rainy making the days seem longer than they really are. The news has been grueling to watch because the death toll continues to rise and talk of “curves flattening out” seems to go on forever. Doctors and nurses are tired, politicians are arguing, moms and dads have become home school teachers, businesses have shut down, waiters and waitresses are out of a job, and the list could go on and on.
But, the sun will come out tomorrow. Oh, I don’t necessarily mean the literal sun (although that too may happen). I’ve lived too much of life not to believe this.
I remember one of our elders’ wives who has gone on to her reward using the expression, “This too shall pass.” Now, I must admit that there were times when I got tired of hearing those words! In the middle of a crisis, if you shared it with her, she was always going to say, “This too shall pass.” I didn’t like it…but she was right. When I look back on those days of trouble that I shared with her, there was an end to all of it. Sometimes I was able to work and pray through the problem and the end result was positive. Other times the hardship ended but I was saddened by the outcome. Nonetheless, the sun came out and life moved on.
This coronavirus – Covid 19 — will pass, and life will go back to our normal routines. One thing is sure – we will never forget this time in our lives. That’s how it is when those stormy, cloudy days come into our lives. We remember those times, sometimes with relief that we weathered the storm and sometimes with sadness because of the way it turned out. Sometimes there is a combination of both relief and sadness.
When God is our true refuge, the sun will come out tomorrow. When we are obedient to Him and trust in Him with all of our heart, the sun will come out tomorrow, no matter what. If tomorrow never comes, the SON will come for us, and we will live in the light of God’s love forever.
What joy should be ours. What confidence we should have. What a blessing knowing this fact should give us.
Annie was right! The sun will come out tomorrow.
“Sing praises to the Lord, O you his saints, and give thanks to His holy name…Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning.” (Psalm 30:4-5)
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AUTHOR: Donna Faughn