
The Week before Maywood

MAYWOOD CHRISTIAN CAMP is the result of prayers, dreams and numberless hours of works of love. In 1963, Howard Mays, at that time a Deacon but later an Elder of the Hamilton, AL congregation until his departure to a “better Campground” in May, 1979, offered to Jerry Jenkins, the preacher, 40 acres to develop as a youth camp. A general invitational meeting was called, with a large group coming from many places. A Board of Trustees was tentatively selected, work plans drawn up, and a large donation of cash and materials made. The first “work day” saw nearly 100 people in the woods. under the leadership and inspiration of Jerry Jenkins, E.R. Bruce, and L.L. Moore, ground was cleared, roads built, a ball field appeared, then buildings began to rise up. There were many hours of work donated by the Marion County Supervisor, Mr. Rich, and his men.

The first session was held in 1965. A most wonderful 3 weeks were enjoyed by and
attendance of about 50 campers and staff per week, under the direction of E.R. Bruce. Brother Bruce passed away in 1993. In 1966, the 5 sessions averaged about 70 per week. It has grown each year as more and more people, both young and old, have come to appreciate the influence of MAYWOOD CHRISTIAN CAMP in their lives.

Campers and staff have come from the far corners of our country, as far away as California. Some have attended at least one week each summer since its beginning, or from the very earliest age they could attend. Numbers have obeyed the Gospel, learned to pray, preach, know what real Christian association is, and even found a lifetime companion among the fellow campers. Many have been encouraged to attend Christian colleges because of the influence of counselors from these schools. A much deeper realization of what it means to really worship God has been the result of the nightly devotional under the stars, standing in the “very center of God’s creation — in our own Garden of Eden”.

The young people from 9th Avenue (and other congregations) will go to Maywood Christian Camp beginning Sunday. Many hours of preparation have already gone in to making this year wonderful for our young people, and many more hours will be put in this week.

I know that several young people in our youth group read this blog, and I wanted to take this opportunity to remind them of Maywood. It’s going to be a great week of Bible classes, singing, crafts, swimming, fun…and Terry Gillim!

Young people, if you have not made up your mind to attend Maywood this year, there are still several spots available for our session. Visit the Maywood website (listed below) and print out an application. If you have decided to attend, I’m looking forward to seeing you there.

It’s going to be a great year! See you Sunday in Hamilton.

Maywood Christian Camp website


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