Church Life,  Family

The Wise Sculptor Built His Sculpture Upon the Rock…

Yes, I know that’s not how the song goes. (I am writing this article during Vacation Bible School week, after all!) However, a recent news story gave me a great reminder of that song–and, more importantly, the teaching from Jesus behind it.

In New Hampshire, a group of sculptors recently gathered for a contest. First prize was a $6000 cash award, with smaller awards for various other places. The sculptures are quite remarkable. As someone who has zero artistic ability, looking at these creations is remarkable.

However, the sculptures will only be around…until Sunday. Why such a short time? Are the creators taking them home? Are the winning creations going on some tour? Is some civil ordinance keeping them from staying?

No, it’s because all the sculptures are sand creations and they will be taken down…before they are destroyed, like anything else made of sand will be. [Source]

When Jesus taught us to build the foundation of our house on the rock, He was giving a basic principle from everyday life that has a deep meaning in our spiritual lives, as well. If we build on things that shift and collapse, there is no way to make it through the storms of life with anything of great and eternal value. But if we build on the rock, storms will still come, but they will not have any major effect on what is most important to us.

Contrast those sand sculptures in New Hampshire with something like Mount Rushmore. That huge stone statue does “wear down,” but it is at an imperceptible rate. (The faces were carved a couple of extra inches thick, so that they would “wear down” to the correct proportions…in about 10,000 years!) Think of the number of storms that have hit that mountainous area, yet that statue remains intact and strong.

So, when your children are singing that little song and moving their hands to those motions, they are singing a tremendous truth. And, don’t forget to sing the last verse with them, just in case you need the reminder, also. “So, build your house on the Lord Jesus Christ!”

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn

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