The Word That Stops Christian Relationships
Right off the bat, let me say that the title for today’s post is a little hyperbolic. There are plenty of words that can ruin relationships. Plus, this one doesn’t necessarily “stop” those relationships.
However, I hope you will see that the constant and mindless use of this one word can, at least, slow down the deepening of true Christian fellowship. And it’s a word you have probably used interacting with fellow Christians a lot…maybe even today.
What is it?
When you ask someone on Sunday at worship how they are doing, it is so natural for the response to be “I’m fine.” When you text someone to see how they are feeling or how that issue in their life is going, it is very common for the answer to come back: “We’re fine.”
And far too often, that’s code for “I’m not fine, but I’ll say that because, as a Christian, I’m supposed to just be okay all the time.”
No. You. Are. Not.
Jesus looked at His disciples and, very openly, said, “My soul is troubled, even to death.” Does that sound remotely like, “I’m fine” to you?
While we need to be practical and admit that there is a time to share very personal and difficult details, we also need to realize that the Church is a family, and families share feelings, emotions, struggles, joys, and everything else.
And “fine” just doesn’t do that.
Be honest with those loving Christian family members who ask how you are doing. If things are not going well, just say so. You don’t have to elaborate, but a simple, “This has been a rough week” is at least being honest!
Oh, and one more thing. If all we say is “fine,” we are not allowing each other to obey a vital command: “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Let your Christian family obey that directive from God…and just see if the bonds of fellowship where you worship don’t continue to grow deeper and stronger.
AUTHOR: Adam Faughn