There Will Be No Cover

A middle-aged man in South Carolina was recently pulled over after he exhibited driving behavior that appeared to show he was intoxicated. He was, to say the least, as police found 10 partially-drunk cans of beer in his car, including one between his legs.
But the 49-year-old man tried to figure out a quick way to make it look as if he was not intoxicated before the officers approached his car. His solution? He sprayed Axe body spray…
…in his mouth.
When I came across that story, I smiled a little bit and I shook my head. How could anyone be so dumb as to think that spraying body spray, not just in the car, but in their mouth (!) would be a good idea and would keep them from being found out.
But, let’s be honest, the covering up of our wrong is often just as silly if we really stop and think about it.
It’s the spouse who has someone on the side and has to delete text messages constantly.
It’s the teenager who switches from their second Instagram account to their “primary” one before walking through the door every afternoon.
It’s the dad who tries to hide his secret stash of alcohol from his kids in some bizarre place in the house.
It’s the preacher who wastes time all week, but is able to have the gift of gab enough to preach something “good enough” on Sunday to make people think he’s working.
Certainly, we could go on. But these are enough, and we all know they are real.
Reading them, they seem silly. Looking at them, they seem totally nuts.
Why? Because, deep down, we know we are not hiding anything from Him.
That spouse may never catch their husband or wife. The teen may never have her fake Insta account found out by her parents. Those kids may never know about dad’s secret booze. The preacher may preach for decades and never be found out for being lazy.
But, is that all that matters?
In the Garden of Eden, the first couple hid themselves from God. In South Carolina, a man tried to cover up alcohol by putting body spray in his mouth.
And we want to hide our sins from the Almighty? We will figure out, either in this life or the next, just how silly that makes us look.
“And no creature is hidden from His sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of Him to Whom we must give account.” (Hebrews 4:13)
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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn