They Told Me Today
They told me today of the high, lordly town
Which, because of their pride, our great King has torn down.
How foolish to scoff at the King’s invitation!
Did none of them know He is lord of the nation,
A dutiful sov’reign, and friend to us all?
You’d think that the people who live in the wall
Of the city He built, walking roads which he paved,
Would have jumped at the chance, and they would have behaved
Like the most thankful servants there ever could be;
At least I would have done so, if it had been me.
What a farcical, fanciful, frightening thought
That a failure as I should be given a spot
In the house of the King! Why, not wearing these rags!
With the worst of the scoundrels and beggars and hags
Is the place I belong. No such honor for me;
I am here by the road by my own hand, you see.
I am not here alone; there are others about,
And because of our sins, we lament here without.
It’s a sorrowful shame that the lords wouldn’t go
To the house of the King, and once, finally show
Him their thanks. Now they haven’t, and no one will ever
Have a fair chance again to adore Him, no, never.
They told me today of the King’s proclamation;
He sent out His servants to scour the nation
And gather the lowest, the tired, the poor
For a feast, a grand banquet like never before!
Could there yet be a chance that the King I will see?
Yes! Why yes! Here’s the messenger summoning me!
There are tears in his eyes; he remembers the place
In the road where he lay when the King, in His grace,
Stooped to help him, and now he is taking my hand
And compelling me, “Come see the Lord of the land!”
Now the highway is empty, for we have all gone
To the end of a long night and bursting of dawn.
A magnificent castle! A ponderous hall,
And there, in the midst, standing grandest of all,
Is the King. What a figure! A kindness, a strength!
In the moment I see Him, I’d go any length
Just to hear one small word. Here now, what? Could it be?
The high Sov’reign Himself wants to sit beside me?
Oh, He does! He does care! All my troubles have died,
And I sit in a chair by His Majesty’s side,
And I know that this seat is where I’m meant to stay.
The old roadside is gone; we’re a family today!
I tell you today of the King’s lasting love
And the power He wields, and the peace of a dove
Which alights on your heart when you hear this Friend’s voice;
So come on now! Get up from the road and rejoice!
Put on the affection of majesty’s child,
And live there with He who is mighty and mild.
The King has requested you come there with me;
We are guests at His feast! We are bless’d! We are free!
“‘And those servants went out into the roads and gathered all whom they found, both bad and
good. So the wedding hall was filled with guests.’” – Matthew 22:10
AUTHOR: Luke Tatum