
To Catch a Predator Update

If anything has caused potential sexual predators to think twice about getting online recently, it has been Dateline NBC’s series “To Catch a Predator.”

Now there are two new developments in the series of which every parent should be aware.

First, Chris Hansen, the host of the series, has written a book documenting much of what he and the crew have seen. While I have not read the book yet, if the TV series is any indication, it will be an important book for parents, especially of young teens, to read. To order the book from Amazon, click here. To read a short excerpt posted on MSNBC, click here.

Second, MSNBC is running a review series, if you will, of the “To Catch a Predator” series. It is called “Predator Raw.” In these shows, they are revisiting some of more interesting cases and spending more time with each potential predator. In the regular series there were, tragically, so many men that only about 5 minutes could be spent showing on TV what happened. In this new series, about 10-12 minutes is spent with each man. More of their encounter with Chris Hansen is shown, and one gets a better idea as to what each man is thinking. I saw one of these late last night, and another airs tonight at 10 Eastern/9 Central.

This series is very important and has exposed a problem that is running rampant through our society. It has also helped those of us who work with young people know better some things to say to them. They need to see the severe danger that this is.

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