Church Life


Several songs over the years have used the imagery of “tomorrow,” but none has captured the hope that the picture of tomorrow is supposed to mean more than that simple song from Annie. You know the one.

“The sun will come out, tomorrow.”

(By the way,  you’re welcome. That song will be stuck in your head for the rest of the day now.)

We get out our calendar and write what we will do tomorrow. Most days, I fill up tomorrow’s calendar with the “must-do’s” and hope to get to other things.


I am naturally a planner. I tell people that I live by my calendar and by the clock. While that’s not always a good thing, I think it does help me get more things done. In fact, just this week, I put something on my calendar for 2016.


But what about today?

What about right now?

This isn’t a post about what if tomorrow never happens or that we aren’t assured of tomorrow.

Instead, I want to ask a very simple question: Do we sometimes spend our time thinking so much about tomorrow that we are failing to appreciate where we are?

I think there is a problem with people always living in the past, and I think we do a pretty good job of realizing that problem and working on it. But some of us struggle with the exact opposite: we are living in the future (or, at least, trying to).

If this happens, then…

If we could just do this, then…

I need to make sure that we go to…

Things will be so much better when…

Some of us are so filled with that type of thinking that we fail to enjoy–or even appreciate–the moment we are in. And, I can’t go on without reminding you, this moment is a gift from God. It is meant to be appreciated. It is meant to be learned from. It is meant to glorify Him.

Keep planning. Keep dreaming. Keep looking forward.

But don’t forget to “make the most of the time” that you are currently in.

QUESTION: What are some things you have done to help you appreciate your current moments? Share with us in the comments.


Photo Credit: pixie_moon on Creative Commons

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A Legacy of Faith exists to help families survive the day, plan for tomorrow, and always keep an eye on eternity. If you choose to print one of our articles in another publication (e.g., church bulletin), please give credit to the author and provide a link to the article's url. Thank you.