A Total Transformation
Last night, I was preaching in Benton, Kentucky, on their annual Summer series. It was my second time to be there for the series, and I have also led singing there before. I have been there, and in the area, enough times that I do not remember a lot of names, but several faces ring a bell.
After services, I was talking with a man who just recently became a Christian. I do not know how old he was, but I would venture to say he was in his 50s. He was speaking with one of the members there and they were talking about his conversion.
Of course, they didn’t give specifics (that’s none of my business), but both made mention that this man’s life was totally different from what it had been before Christ. I had preached on the life of Caleb and how we can overcome mountains. Both men stated that he still had some mountains to conquer, but that he would do it with God’s help.
As the new convert kept talking, I saw and heard something that greatly encouraged me. He said that he had more joy in his life now than he ever had. He said that there was so much peace in his life, though he still had work to do (don’t we all???).
But he also said that things were just so much different now.
He was totally changed.
He was converted.
He was saved.
He wears the name of his Savior.
He is a new creation.
He has been translated out of darkness into the kingdom of Christ.
He went from a broad road leading to destruction to a narrow way leading to life.
He changed kings, lords, leaders, and destinies.
And with it, he gained joy, peace, and real happiness.
What a joy it was to have that brief conversation. It made me consider where I would have been without Christ. It made me think of the change that the cross wrought in my own life. It made me want to conquer even more mountains with the help of God.
It is total, complete, full, transformation…and it is eternal.
Have you, with the help of Christ, made that change?
QUESTION: What are some of the great transformation stories you have seen of those who became disciples of Christ? Please share in the comments to encourage us all!
Photo credit: aussiegall on Creative Commons
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I am so glad to hear about this conversion! Hearing the way this man described his conversion is so encouraging. I think more emphasis could be placed in this area (repentance and turning your life around) within the pulpits of the church. It seems like so many times we want to rush right to baptism without really helping one understand why they need it in the first place. Great article!
Adam Faughn
Love how you worded that about showing people WHY they need to be baptized, and I think you are right. We need to help people see the need for it, rather than just see baptism as something that people “just do.” Thanks for reading and commenting.