Bible study,  Church Life

True Freedom

On this day America celebrates the signing of the Declaration of Independence. This document declared that we were free from British rule. There are all kinds of historical facts about the writing of this document and the actual dates as to when it was signed and by whom, but nevertheless America became a free country – and that’s what we celebrate on this national holiday.

Or is it? Maybe we just have a holiday on that day? On that day we’re off of work, we picnic, we shoot off fireworks or enjoy a fireworks show but never really give much thought to the freedom of our country.

If we give some thought to what we are told to do under the law, we quickly realize that we are not truly free. After all, don’t we have to obey the laws of the land, such as obeying speed limits and paying taxes? We’re not totally free to do as we please. Try telling a store clerk that you would rather not pay the taxes on that item you want to purchase, and see where that gets you.  

Now before you blow up at me like a firecracker let me quickly say that I would rather live in the United States of America than in any other country in the world. We often take for granted what a wonderful nation this is. After all, in this nation we have the freedom to worship God.

However, even though we cannot be truly free in this country, there is a way that each individual can be totally free. Oh, we’ll still have things we must do on this earth, but there is a freedom that is a gift from God. True freedom is only found in Christ Jesus. When we recognize the gift of God’s Son and become His through obedience to Him, then we can be free. 

“…and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32 emphasis added).

So go ahead and celebrate your earthly independence day – eat hamburgers and hotdogs, make some homemade ice cream, shoot off some fireworks, have fun – but always remember that true freedom is only found in Jesus, and for the faithful Christian, it lasts for eternity.

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AUTHOR: Donna Faughn


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