
TV Show "Relauch" Teaches Lessons (originally published September 13)

When The Family Guy was originally launched on the FOX television station, it was met with a response that was not overwhelming. It had a decent following, but nothing special. After about three seasons, the show was cancelled.

However, over the next several months, something unprecedented happened. The internet began to “buzz” about the show. Web sites, chatrooms and blogs were begun featuring nothing but this defunct show. Questions began to arise as to where videos and DVDs of the show could be acquired. Interest was so wide-spread that FOX made a decision very rarely made in the industry. Nearly two years after cancellation, the network heads told The Family Guy originator Seth MacFarlane to begin working on the show again. Today, the show is back on the air and is so popular that a movie is in the works, and some characters from the show were featured on ESPN The Magazine’s September 12th issue cover.

Let me say that I in no way endorse The Family Guy. The show is filled with crudeness, bad language and disrespect. I have seen a total of about 5 minutes of the show, and that was enough for me to know that this show was not what needed to be filling my mind (cf. Philippians 4:8).

However, there is a lesson that can be learned from the amazing story of the “re-launch” of The Family Guy. If fans could use the power of the media to bring back a vile television show, can Christians not use the same power for an eternallymore important purpose?

Almost exclusively using the internet (although DVD sales and phone calls played a part), fans of a sinful show were able to convince some of the most powerful men and women in the media industry to try a television show again. Many Christians all over the world are using the internet for great good [and that is the purpose of this site], but so much more can be done.

Brother or sister in Christ, ask yourself these questions:

1. Have you used email to reach out to a lost soul in need of the Gospel, or just as a way to “shoot the breeze”?

2. Have you sent an email or an instant message to a brother or sister who has fallen away from the Lord and needs encouragement, or do you just use these tools for fun?

3. Have you used the many wonderful resources found on the internet to help you learn more of God’s Word or teach others, or do you just see the internet as a place for entertainment and world news?

Countless numbers of people all over the world are using the internet for many different reasons. Maybe we need to learn our lesson and try to get them to “log on” to the Gospel. Maybe, with God’s help, we can reach the world for Christ through cyberspace. If a television show can be resurrected through this medium, then, surely, souls can be won to Jesus Christ by using its power as well.

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