
Undiscovered Treasure (Bulletin Article for April 27)

You’re sitting in your house watching TV. Suddenly, a man comes to the door. His report could change your life. “Ma’am, we were digging up that old tree in your backyard and we think we struck gold!”

How long would it take you to grab a shovel and start digging? How long would you keep digging? You would probably dig until, physically, you just couldn’t work any longer.

Why? Gold is a precious treasure. What makes that story so interesting is how close this treasure was to you, yet it went undiscovered. When discovered, though, you couldn’t help but want more.

It is sad that, in so many homes, there is an even greater treasure in the house that goes undiscovered. In some houses it is on a shelf gathering dust. In others, it is on a coffee table (just in case an elder or the preacher drops in). Some keep it right on the nightstand—within arm’s reach—and yet never “mine” the wealth found in it.

It is the Bible. It is the greatest treasure the world has ever, or could ever, know. It contains “life and godliness” (Second Peter 1:3). It is a light and lamp for our walk in life (Psalm 119:105). It is comforting, exciting, romantic, helpful, interesting, historical, and—most importantly—inspired by God (Second Timothy 3:16).

What have you done with this treasure?

More to be desired are the than gold,
Yea, than much fine gold. (Psalm 19:10a

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